Friday, April 4, 2008

Eighteen sixty four.

We received a package in the mail from the united states of america. Sent in an envelope marked first class with red ink. In the package I found a small brown book wrapped in wrinkley plastic. It is a little book on free gymnastic and dumb-bell exercises. It reads: "To those who have seen the wan cheeks, stooping shoulder, and sunken chest of the school-childeren of to-day, no argument, proving the necessity of physical culture, need be made." The fragile little brown book which was white once upon a time has that old familiar smell. I know this package was not meant for me. I have tried to find the sender, but have failed so far. So dear sir or madam who has lost their little book, I have found your treasure. I hope it wont upset you to know that I flipped trough the pages, rather carefully. And have smiled at the old drawings and innocent instructions for young ones to move limbs. Your little book from eighteen sixty four has made my rather boring day an extraordinary one.


Carol-Lee Joy said...

that's so cool! don't you feel special (although wondering who it was really meant for)?

nadine j. said...

That's really neat, Mieke!

I wonder who it's meant for.